Intramural Research Program

Acting Scientific Director: Kelvin Choi, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Office of the Scientific Director staff

The goals of NIMHD’s Division of Intramural Research (DIR) are to conduct collaborative, transdisciplinary, high-risk and high-impact minority health and health disparities research. Additionally, we work to build and sustain a diverse biomedical research workforce to conduct this research.

Our investigators seek to understand the complex mechanisms that contribute to health disparities, develop multi-level socio-behavioral interventions to reduce these disparities, and promote the health and well-being of populations experiencing health disparities. The DIR collaborates with intramural and extramural researchers to promote and increase minority health and health disparities research and diversify the biomedical research workforce.

Mission Statement

Innovators in population, community, social-behavioral, clinical, epidemiologic and genomic sciences to improve health equity and the health and well-being of vulnerable populations.

Vulnerable populations refer to racial and ethnic minority groups as defined by the Office of Management and Budget, along with persons of less privileged socioeconomic status, underserved rural residents, sexual and gender minorities, and persons with poor health due to social disadvantage.

Core Values – SABER (To Know): Pursuing Knowledge for Health Equity

  • Solution-driven
  • Action-oriented
  • Boldness
  • Equity
  • Respect

Research Programs

NIMHD Adjunct Faculty

The NIMHD adjunct professor program aims to increase NIH-wide health disparities research and promote biomedical research workforce diversity. Learn more and meet NIMHD’s adjunct faculty.

Intramural Research Training

NIMHD participates actively in NIH intramural research training programs, supporting the next generation of researchers, diversifying the biomedical research workforce and building capacity to conduct cutting-edge transdisciplinary research. Learn more about NIMHD intramural research training opportunities.

Health Disparities Interest Group

The NIH Health Disparities Interest Group (HDIG) fosters idea exchange to advance biological, clinical, behavioral, social, and population sciences that reduce and eliminate health disparities. Learn more and access upcoming and archived NIH HDIG seminars.

Page updated Aug. 20, 2024